Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Dark Knight

The new face of Joker! Heath Ledger has been cast as the Joker in the upcoming Batman movie to star opposite Christian Bale. This is the first image to show up on the web of the villain. This shows how much darker this take is going to be of said Joker! Yikes. I was a huge fan of Jack Nicholson's performance in the 1989 original Batman film. It will be hard to top. I have very much enjoyed the new direction of the Batman franchise, I hope they continue to impress.

It appears that the Joker will take on a more true to his comic roots psychotic personality, not just a criminal minded, facially deformed villain. I am excited to see this new movie. I hope to maybe even get to work on it! That is very far out in the future and since it is being filmed in London... I doubt the post-production will be done in LA. Seeing I have no plans on going to London.... I doubt I will... It would be fun though!


Unknown said...

That Heath Ledger is one ugly dude...

alliatwood said...

wow ... that is scary looking. I don't know if I'll be able to see that ... to scary for whimpy me!

Unknown said...

that's awfully scary....I sort of thought it looked like the phantom of the opera!!

Judy said...

Way too scary for me! (look I'm commenting on a blog!!)

Love, mom

The Au Family said...

ugly...? scary...? I was thinking that he's kind of cute! :)

Rob Au said...

His interpretation of the character will make or break it... too much and it will be annoying... not enough and it won't be true to his character. (I guess that is really how it is with all characters in film)