Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Rating System

I have some concerns with our rating system in today's America. I am interested how a film with teen violence (none of it graphic or glorified, but still sensitive in nature) which is trying to make a social statement with out using sex, profanity, or excessive violence and gore, would be rated R. Yet films such as Lord of the Rings, Titanic, Behind Enemy Lines can use extreme violence and gore (even if it is an Orc), nudity, and language and yet be rated PG-13. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed those films, some more than others... but it seems odd to me where our society places its values. It can handle wanton violence and sex and vulgarity, but not something the shines a spotlight on an unpleasant social truth which we would rather ignore. Although with the way the continue to adjust the ratings system to allow for more and more "exeptions" eventual what is today's R will be tomorrow's PG. And yet... I feel this is all moot because society doesn't seem to really even care anymore what a film is rated! What is to be done.


The Au Family said...

I agree completely! This is a tough issue to solve because many people in todays world feel that the nudity, violence and profanity isn't as big of a deal as the emotional issues. Could this be solved with more ratings? Or do people just not care enough for that?

Unknown said...

I am interested in knowing what film you are referencing as the social film. All I can say based on my outsider's observation is that ratings, like most everything else in this country, are controlled by money. A PG-13 rating gives you a wider potential audience. Therefore, if you have a film on the threshold, but it is a potential "blockbuster" it will most likely get a PG-13 rating, even if similar films are getting R ratings.

Rob Au said...

Amazingly that is the point! The ratings system should be devoid of "what is this film's target audience?" The censor panels should have a set of guidelines that they adhere to. Obviously making decisions when things lay across the lines. But such obvious hypocrisies that we justify based on somethings literal plausibility is astounding to me. It just discredits the rating system in my eyes! The project I refer to is one of my own, that has yet to fully make it onto paper. But in discussing it with piers and mentors we have concluded that it will be near to impossible to make it a non-R film. Even with a complete lack of vulgarity, violence, and sex. But I guess like all things in life it is the all mighty dollar that drives things.

Unknown said...


It is the sad state of affairs in the US. Money drives everything. Including perceived morality (luckily it can't touch real morality).

Rob Au said...

You kidding... R! That's child's play... I am going edgier! NA-19 The new top dog!

The Au Family said...

Maybe the best solution is...if it is really all about the that we should all go start watching the edgier Rated R movies and boycott all the family friendly less rated movies....imagine...11 million members going to see them...then the money will be in the Rated R....? maybe? I think so!